
Newsletter December 2023

Dear Transition Maker,

With the year drawing to a close, we are reflecting on the incredible journey we've shared in 2023. We launched with 23 tools for 18 of the Inner Development Goals, which have reached over 2,300 downloads so far, attended various educational conferences in the Netherlands and the IDG Summit in Stockholm, and hosted several events and workshops within the Netherlands and beyond, where we’ve made valuable connections with other educators with their minds and hearts open to transition-focused education.

As we take a moment to pause and look back, we are truly grateful for each and every one of you who have been a part of our community. Your feedback and contributions this year have been invaluable.

There are exciting plans in the works for next year, which fill us with optimism and enthusiasm:

New tools, that are being co-created as we speak, will be added to the Toolbox in February and March. Stay tuned for tools for Inclusive Mindset and Intercultural Competence, Communication Skills, Perspective Skills and Long-term Orientation and Visioning!

📆 You can sign up now for one of the ‘Unlock the Potential of the Toolbox for Your Education’ workshops coming up in the beginning of 2024. We are in Eindhoven on 22 January, online on Zoom on 20 February, in The Hague on 19 March and in Groningen on 18 April.

🎩 Teachers or educational developers, affiliated with a Dutch higher education institution, with ideas for new tools can join our upcoming co-creation session in May and June. Find more details below.

We wish you all a wonderful year-end holiday with lots of relaxation and good times. May 2024 be full of inspiration and joy!

More Tools in the Works

Together with educators from the University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and InHolland University of Applied Sciences, we are co-creating new tools to be included in the Transition Makers Toolbox in 2024. Several tools for Inclusive Mindset and Intercultural Competence, Communication Skills, Perspective Skills and Long-term Orientation and Visioning are coming soon!

The Toolbox Team on Tour

Last month, the Toolbox team attended the National Interdisciplinary Education (NIE) conference, organised by the EWUU alliance in Wageningen. During our workshop, we discussed the possibilities of implementing the IDGs and the tools in regular education. In addition, we spoke with many visitors who were interested in our work. We hope that we inspired more teachers to consider implementing the IDGs in their education; whether it is to use the tools in the Toolbox, or to become a maker and add new exiting tools themselves.  

We also recently hosted a workshop at the Empower the Student conference on developing broad skills at Fontys Hogeschool in Tilburg, a meaningful opportunity to connect with professionals from various higher education institutions, committed to exploring the concept of inner development in education.

The Transition Makers card deck facilitated insightful discussions among the participants, that highlighted the growing interest and necessity of incorporating inner development into educational frameworks. We look forward to keeping in touch with these teachers about new tools for the Toolbox!

Join our LinkedIn community to become a member of the IDG Dutch Higher Education Hub and learn, innovate, practice and share the application of tools or share stories, recordings of lectures, event designs and presentations with other Transition Makers.

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Meet the Transition Makers