
Newsletter September 2023

Dear Transition Maker,

Since the launch, we haven’t been sitting on our hands. A few updates from our side:

  • We’ve added the In Practice page to, an overview where you can read about successful implementation of the tools and learn from the pros. It's a great resource for ideas for using Transition Makers Tools in higher education.

  • The Dutch version of the Transition Makers card deck is available now! Contact us if you’re interested in receiving a set, free of charge.

  • Meet us at UNLimited Festival, a gathering about transcending boundaries for everyone who works at, with and for universities in the Netherlands, on 28 September in Den Bosch. You can find us at the Education Innovation Café.

  • During the global IDG Summit in October, we’re hosting two community events: one in Amsterdam and one in Stockholm.

  • And there’s more exciting news to share: we are hosting a workshop during the Dutch National Interdisciplinary Education Conference on 15 November in Wageningen.

Scroll down for more info & registration links!

In Practice: Placemaking

With Placemaking, UvA lecturers and students contribute to a sustainable relationship between the university, the city and society, tackling - often complex - issues that exist among local users and organisations, and developing skills that matter to realise change, such as presence, connectedness, co-creation skills, mobilisation skills and creativity. Watch the video below to learn more:

Transition Makers Toolbox | In Practice: Placemaking

Mark your Calendar

Join our LinkedIn community to become a member of the IDG Dutch Higher Education Hub and learn, innovate, practice and share the application of tools or share stories, recordings of lectures, event designs and presentations with other Transition Makers.

Meet the Transition Makers