
Anke de Vrieze

I work as a knowledge and learning advisor. To achieve a more sustainable future, I believe we should not only keep our human perspective in mind but non-human perspectives as well – such as animals, plants, rivers, trees, oceans, and so on. Inviting Non-Human Stakeholders teaches students to empathise with non-human perspectives.


I am currently working as a knowledge and learning advisor at Wageningen University & Research and the Centre for Unusual Collaborations. The tool I developed is ‘Inviting non-human stakeholders’, which is about empathising with non-human perspectives, and contributes to the IDG ‘Empathy and Compassion’. I have used this tool before in the Master’s programme in International Development and the Master’s in Organic Agriculture in Wageningen. To achieve a more sustainable future, I believe we should not only keep our human perspective in mind but non-human perspectives as well, such as animals, plants, rivers, trees and oceans.